Sunday, July 02, 2006

What the...


I realize that I have found the missing key in my secret to success!

It is called WILLINGNESS!


It appears that you can go to every Motivational Seminars/Workshop/Mastermind Group etc BUT if you are missing this "missing key", I bet that no amount of anything successful will come to be.

Time and time again I have questioned myself: "Hey! What the... why am I still here?"

When I mean "here", I mean to say: When am I going to become Financially Successful. AND when I mean Financially Successful, I mean to say that I want to be able to:

  1. Do whatever I want,
  2. Do it whenever I want,
  3. Do it however I want,
  4. Do it with whomever I want, and
  5. Why do it (in the first place).

Some of you may be wondering what is the IT that I am talking about. "IT" friends is to do the things that I enjoy the most. The things that I have GREAT PASSION to do the most.

Of course, "IT" is going to be:

  1. Ethical
  2. Legal and
  3. Morally right

How I came to the conclusion to WILLINGNESS is because I went to a website and read a really good article about it. I cannot remember where I have placed this article BUT I remember that the article is from the website:

I love this website because it will place a short motivational/inspirational quote that provides something positive to focus on that day. Here's an example:

"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters
compared to what lies within us." -- Ralph Waldo Emerson

That's it. Short and simple. Less than 30 seconds to read and internalize. But, oh
how powerful in helping us to keep each day and each challenge in perspective.

So go to this URL: and it'll take you the website that'll
ask you to fill a form you will be getting Inspirational Quotes in your mailbox. I apologise as you will have to cut and paste or manually type the URL.

You know, I have yet to still get the hang of Blogger because I am using an iBook running Win OS X and the EDITOR is very cumbersome to use!

I find others like and easier to use!

All the best to your success!!



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