Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Life Coachs Blog - What You Didn’t Know About Bruce Lee’s Kick-Ass Success

Once in a while, I read something really GREAT from Life Coachs Blog(LCB).

I have been subscribing to LCB for a long time now and once in a while I gett to read something REALLY COOL!

And this time, I feel compelled to reproduce it here. I hope that Alvin From LCB don't mind. I also hope that it is not plagarism!

And I think I should also give you the original link to his website so that you can also take a look at the U-Tube footage of Bruce Lee.

I've decided to shorten the URL so that it is easier to click on it or copy and paste it:


What You Didn't Know About Bruce Lee's Kick-Ass Success

Bruce Lee. The very name conjures images of lightning-fast punches, rock-hard muscles, whirlwind footwork and a blazing intensity that demands attention.

If you've only known The Little Dragon from his movies, you've been missing out. Catch rare footage from his first American screen test, his demonstration at the International Karate Championships of 1964, of 2-finger push-ups (yes, doing push ups on 2 fingers), his infamous one-inch punch, and sparring sessions that, to me, make his movie fighting look slow (warning: video contains techno music!).

Mind-blowing, isn't it? If you haven't seen it yet, watch it first, because that'd make what I have to say next even more astounding.

Most of us who watch someone so amazingly skilled at what he does would think that Bruce must have had all the right talents and all the right opportunities to get where he did.

While he did undoubtedbly had potential locked within him, did you know he faced massive obstacles to unleash that giant within? In fact, did you know that at one time, he was injured so badly he was told he would never be able to practice martial arts again for the rest of his life? How did he overcome that?

What would you say if I told you that you might also have that same potential locked within you? Then the only question would be; how do you explode that talent's growth? If there's anyone who's been there, done that, and can give us clues to the answer, it's Bruce Lee.

6 Things You Didn't Know About Bruce Lee's Success

1) He never finished university. Growing up a teenage in Hong Kong, Bruce would get into fights. After a particularly bloody one involving a trip to the police station, Bruce's family decided to send him back to America where he was born.

In 1964, at the end of his junior year, Bruce decided to drop out of university to head the Seattle branch of his Jun Fan Gung Fu Institute, and dedicate himself to expanding his martial arts schools, joining the ranks of people like Steve Jobs and Bill Gates, people who never finished university and became massive successes later on in life.

Not to say that Bruce was an idiot! In fact, he had been a philosophy major before he left the University of Washington. And not to say you shouldn't go to university either! But Bruce never let the lack of a degree stop him from achieving his heart's desires.

2) He almost never practiced martial arts again. In 1970, with The Green Hornet series in which he co-starred in cancelled and finances tight, Bruce failed to warm up properly during one of his weight-training routines and severly injured his back.

The doctors told him to rest in bed, and to forget kung fu: he would never kick again.

To someone whom once said that everything he learned, he learned from martial art, this would be a devastating blow. With financial worries bearing down on him, Bruce could only lay flat on his bed for the next three months, and for another three months be confined indoors.

But even then, he refused to let this stop him. If he couldn't work out his body, he could work out his mind. In those six months he wrote furiously, penning down his own thoughts and methods of the martial arts which he so loved.

In six months' time, he had written eight, two-inch volumes of notes. And in all that time, with evidence to the contrary, he refused to believe that he wouldn't heal; he was an avid believer that our thoughts create our reality.

After those six months he started working out again, moderately at first, and resumed teaching afterwards.

And even though his back would remain a source of pain throughout his entire life, you wouldn't think it to see the man blazing faster in his movies than any able-bodied person.

3) His greatest achievement came from a less than perfect victory. Bruce Lee's greatest contribution to the martial arts world was his philosophy and martial system of Jeet Kune Do. But he didn't make up this martial art from thin air.

In fact, the catalyst that gave birth to one of the most efficient martial arts in the world came from a less than efficient fight.

In the 1960s, Bruce Lee was challenged for daring to reveal the secrets of Chinese martial arts to non-Chinese. He won the fight, but found himself unusually winded afterwards, and was disturbed in thinking back that even though he could have ended it in one, the fight had taken three minutes instead.

Before that time, Bruce had been content with modifying the traditional martial art of Wing Chun. But because of that less-than-perfect experience, he pursued more sophisticated training methods and rigourously dissected the martial arts for the very best that he could find, and in time his own profound and deadly _expression of the martial arts was born.

4) He had his opportunities stolen from him. Did Bruce have it easy from the get-go, especially with someone that had such astounding skills you'd think Hollywood would have been banging down his door to sign him on?


After the cancellation of The Green Hornet series, Bruce couldn't find much more television work. In 1969, a movie project called The Silent Flute, which he had put in massive effort and pinned high hopes on, fell through.

With his back still hurting, and financial disaster on the horizon, his wife Linda had to work, while Bruce stayed at home to watch the kids and rest his back.

During that time, Warner Brothers contacted him with what looked like a glimmer of hope; they wanted his help to develop a TV series based on the martial arts. He was deeply involved and gave them numerous ideas…many of which were used in the ensuring TV series Kung Fu, starring not Bruce Lee, but David Carradine.

Later on, Warner Brothers admitted that despite his heavy involvement, they had never even considered him for the role.

Ironically, this was the final straw that pushed Bruce to accept an offer by a Hong Kong film producer named Raymond Chow to make the movie that would propel him into superstardom; The Big Boss.

Bruce turned setback into success, when he met Raymond for the very first time Bruce told him; 'You just wait, I'm going to be the biggest Chinese star in the world.'

5) He practiced incessantly. What do you think was the price of his eye-popping feats and unbeatable athletism? Exercising two times a week and a bottle of beer in front of the TV after?

Bruce Lee trained religiously every single day, there are training records that suggest he practiced kicks…upward to a thousand times a day!

6) He was an avid reader. He had a vast library of books and loved scouring the bookshops for more. He not only had a appetite for books on martial arts, but he also devoured books on the personal growth writers of his day, pioneers like Napoleon Hill, Norman Vincent Peale and Clement Stone.

He believed in personal development so much so he once penned down this prophetic personal affirmation in 1969, 2 years before his first hit movie The Big Boss:

I, Bruce Lee, will be the highest paid Oriental superstar in the United States. In return, I will give the most exciting performances and render the best quality in the capacity of an actor. Starting in 1970, I will achieve world fame and from then onward till the end of 1989 I will have in my possession $10,000,000. Then I will live the way I please and achieve inner harmony and happiness.

So What Was The Key To Bruce Lee's Amazing Success?

At the beginning of this article, I asked you the question: what if you already had the same potential for greatness as Bruce Lee (in anything, not just martial arts) locked within you, how would you unlock it?

Who better to answer you than Bruce Lee himself?

Dedication, absolute dedication, is what keeps one ahead-a sort of indomitable obsessive dedication and the realization that there is no end or limit to this because life is simply an ever-growing process, an ever-renewing process.

Thank you, Bruce.

To end; let me share with you my all-time favorite Bruce Lee quote that says it all:

Ever since I was a child I have had this instinctive urge for expansion and growth. To me, the function of and duty of a quality human is the sincere and honest development of one's potential.

I have come to discover through earnest personal experience and dedicated learning that ultimately the greatest help is self-help-doing one's best, dedicating one's self wholeheartedly to a given task, which happens to have no end but is an on-going process.

Cheers! =)

Alief Hamdani

Website: http://www.aliefhamdani.com
Emails: alief72@gmail.com
Mobile: +65 9387 8272 / 9813 9050

Review of Free PDF Creators

Here is a good site that reviews some of the Free PDF Creators out there:


Cheers! =)
Alief Hamdani

Website: http://www.aliefhamdani.com
Emails: alief72@gmail.com
Mobile: +65 9387 8272 / 9813 9050

Friday, September 22, 2006

What is Internet Marketing?

I had a contact once asked me this question:

"What is Internet Marketing?"

As I have been doing Internet Marketing seriously for close to a month now and have done research on it since the beginning of this year, I was stumped in giving him an answer.

I didn't want to give the type of answer like "Internet Marketing is a way to do business on the internet and earn passive incomes of thousands of dollars from it and it'll run automatically."

That is a cliched response. Even though it sounds true and I didn't want my potential lead to think that Internet Marketing is another "Get Rich Quick Programme."

I've done it for close to a month and I am happy to announce that I have made roughly USD$5.00. Not a lot of money and I know that if I were to fine tune my process and focus properly on things that will REALLY bring in the money, I think I can make much more.

I have a buddy of mine Andrew(www.whoisandrewwee.com ) who is making thousands from his strategy. If you are curious, he is teaching (or should I mention, Mentoring) other people on how to be able to earn a comfortabkle income on the internet that you can quit your job and do whatever, whenever, with whomever you want.

So "What is Interent Marketing?"

I did a search on www.answers.com and came up with this:


Internet marketing is the use of the Internet to advertise and sell goods and services. Internet Marketing includes pay per click advertising, banner ads, e-mail marketing, search engine marketing (including search engine optimization), blog marketing, and article marketing.

Definition and Scope

Internet marketing is a component of electronic commerce . Internet marketing can include information management, public relations, customer service, and sales. Electronic commerce and Internet marketing have become popular as Internet access is becoming more widely available and used. Well over one third of consumers who have Internet access in their homes report using the Internet to make purchases.


Internet marketing first began in the early 1990s as simple, text-based websites that offered product information. It then evolved into advertisements complete with graphics. The most recent step in this evolution was the creation of complete online businesses that use the Internet to promote and sell their services and goods.

Business Models and Formats

Internet marketing is associated with several business models . The main models include business-to-business and business-to-consumer (B2C). B2B consists of companies doing business with each other, whereas B2C involves selling directly to the end consumer. When Internet marketing first began, the B2C model was first to emerge. B2B transactions were more complex and came about later. A third, less common business model is peer-to-peer (P2P), where individuals exchange goods between themselves. An example of P2P is Kazaa, which is built upon individuals sharing files.

Internet marketing can also be seen in various formats. One version is name-your-price (e.g. Priceline.com). With this format, customers are able to state what price range they wish to spend and then select from items at that price range. With find-the-best-price websites (e.g. Hotwire.com), Internet users can search for the lowest prices on items. A final format is online auctions (e.g. Ebay.com) where buyers bid on listed items.


Some of the benefits associated with Internet marketing include the availability of information. Consumers can log onto the Internet and learn about products, as well as purchase them, at any hour. Companies that use Internet marketing can also save money because of a reduced need for a sales force. Overall, Internet marketing can help expand from a local market to both national and international marketplaces.


Limitations of Internet marketing create problems for both companies and consumers. Slow Internet connections can cause difficulties. If companies put too much information on their website, Internet users may struggle to load the web page. Also, Internet marketing does not allow shoppers to touch or try-on items before purchasing them.

Security Concerns

For both companies and consumers that participate in online business, security concerns are very important. Many consumers are hesitant to buy items over the Internet because they do not trust that their personal information will remain private. Recently, some companies that do business online have been caught giving away or selling information about their customers. Several of these companies have guarantees on their websites, claiming customer information will be private. By selling customer information, these companies are breaking their own, publicized policy. Some companies that buy customer information offer the option for individuals to have their information removed from the database (known as opting out). However, many customers are unaware that their information is being shared and are unable to stop the transfer of their information between companies.

Security concerns are of great importance and online companies have been working hard to create solutions. Encryption is one of the main methods for dealing with privacy and security concerns on the Internet. Encryption is defined as the conversion of data into a form called a cipher. This cipher cannot be easily intercepted unless an individual is authorized by the program or company that completed the encryption. In general, the stronger the cipher, the better protected the data is. However, the stronger the cipher, the more expensive encryption becomes.

Effects on Industries

Internet marketing has had a large impact on several industries including music, banking, and flea markets. In the music industry, many consumers have begun buying and downloading MP3s over the Internet instead of simply buying CDs. The debate over the legality of downloading MP3s has become a major concern for those in the music industry.

Internet marketing has also affected the banking industry. More and more banks are offering the ability to perform banking tasks online. Online banking is believed to appeal to customers because it is more convenient than visiting bank branches. Currently, over 50 million U.S. adults now bank online. Online banking is now the fastest-growing Internet activity. The increasing speed of Internet connections is the main reason for the fast-growth. Of those individuals who use the Internet, 44% now perform banking activities over the Internet.

As Internet auctions have gained popularity, flea markets are struggling. Unique items that could previously be found at flea markets are being sold on Ebay.com instead. Ebay.com has also affected the prices in the industry. Buyers and sellers often look at prices on the website before going to flea markets and the Ebay.com price often becomes what the item is sold for. More and more flea market sellers are putting their items up for sale online and running their business out of their homes.

Recent Issues

In November 2004, a lawsuit was filed against Bonzi Buddy software. The lawsuit alleged that Bonzi's banner ads were deceptive. These ads often looked like Microsoft Windows message boxes. Internet users would run across the ads and when they attempted to close the boxes, they found themselves redirected to a website determined by Bonzi.

On May 27, 2005, Bonzi Buddy agreed to change the format of its ads so they did not resemble Windows message boxes. The boxes will now contain the word "Advertisement" so computer users know what they are looking at. The boxes will also no longer carry buttons that do not perform the correct actions.

Sales tax issues have also recently become debated. The current laws require that buyers of online products pay their state all due taxes on these goods at the end of the year, along with their other state taxes. However, most consumers do not appear to be making these payments. Thirteen states have now begun encouraging Internet businesses to collect sales tax on every sale. These states are currently not forcing the companies to collect the tax. However, it appears that if companies do not begin collecting the sales tax on their own, states will begin forcing the companies to do so. The states are claiming that each year they lose $15 billion in unpaid sales taxes associated with online purchases.

See also

Okay, so the above article is a direct copy and paste from www.answers.com website. My apologies. I was thinking of redirecting you, the reader, to the website but I was thinking whynot just lett you read it here so as to save the trouble.

Also, the articel has lots of hyperlinks that you can go check it out if you want.

So the above is the proper explanation of what Internet Marketing is. So now, if someone were to ask me what it is, would I choose to say:
  1. "Internet Marketing is a way to do business on the internet and earn passive incomes of thousands of dollars from it and it'll run automatically."


  2. "Internet marketing is the use of the Internet to advertise and sell goods and services. Internet Marketing includes pay per click advertising, banner ads, e-mail marketing, search engine marketing (including search engine optimization), blog marketing, and article marketing."
I think that the 2nd explanation is like the "poltically correct" way of explaning it and the 1st one would be the more enticing way especially when one is interested in getting a prospect to sign up.

Either way, how I choose to explain "What is Internet Marketing?" depends in the listener.

Cheers! =)
Alief Hamdani

Website: http://www.aliefhamdani.com
Emails: alief72@gmail.com
Mobile: +65 9387 8272 / 9813 9050

Sunday, September 10, 2006


HI Guys!

I am sending this blog using my email so that I don't have to loggin into www.blogger.com website and post. Now I can do it from any email program.

I've just read something my Life and Wealth mentor sent me. I got a little stunned when he mentioned SMSPDA. In Patterns of Excellence, he taught me about SMMART and how to set powerful goals.

I believe that like what Adam always mention, one must always grow and adapt to changes and he is teaching an interesting way to remember the 6 Goals Criteria by remembering SMSPDA. For those of us who is technologically adept, SMSPDA would be easy to remember.

Ah... well... Adam Khoo. He is always evolving and changing to move himself ahead.

Well, here is what he sent to me:

Hi Alief,

To set powerful goals that drive you to manifest them into reality,
you must set goals that have 6 criteria! You can remember this by
the acronym SMSPDA! What does this stand for?

Specific. Your goals must be specfic! A goal of losing weight or
making more money is not powerful. You have to be specific like
saying, ' I will lose 14 kg' or ' I will increase my income from
$2,000 to $4,000 a month.'

Many people are afraid to commit to a specific figure because they
are afraid that it will not be achieved. So instead, they set a
very general goal or give themselves a range. Unfortunately,
unspecific goals never get achieved because there is nothing clear
to focus on.

When you set specific goal, you are then able to develop an
effective strategy. When you set a goal of losing 14kg, you can
then develop an effective strategy of the number of calories you
can afford per meal, the number of calories to burn a week, the
number of exercise sessions and how many kilograms to lose a month.

Even if you don't achieve the loss of 14kg, you can bet that you
will get somewhere around that figure!

Measurable. Your goals must be measurable. Being healthy is NOT a
measurable goal. Losing 14kg or having a body-fat ratio of 4.3% is
measurable. Most people never achieve their goals because they are
not measurable enough. Again, when you make your goals measurable,
your mind will have something definite to focus on!

Stretch. Puny, incremental goals will not excite and motivate you.
As a result, you will probably not take the massive action
necessary to achieve it. However, when you set a huge, strretch
goal that pushes you out of your comfort zone ( like doubling your
income in 6 months), the thought geneeates a lot more excitement
and energy within us.

Setting stretch goals may seem 'unrealistc' at the time, but it
forces you to think out of the box for new strategies to make it
happen. Remember that everything is possible, it is only a question
of how!

Purpose. Have you ever set a goal, only to lack the motivation to
achieve it? You see, goals by themsleves do not motivate you. Goals
merely provide you with a direction and target to hit. What truly
motivates you is the purpose behind the goal.

The 'why' is very important! (Read more about this in the next
success tip). So, after setting a goal (e.g. like losing 14kg), you
must then think of and write down all the reasons WHY it is
important for you. Ony when the why is strong enough will you get
the motivation to take action.

Deadline. Another main reason why people never achieve their goals
is because they have no definite deadline or time frame. Most
people tell themselves that 'someday' they will start that
business, so they continue wating for that 'someday' to come. Many
people are still waiting.

To get yourself moving, you must set a deadline and make it real by
having a self penalty for exceeding it. For example, make a bet
with some friends that if it is not done by then, you will pay $500
penealty. You can bet that this will get you going.

Action Plan
Finally, goals are nothing but pipedreams unless you develop an
action plan to make it happen. You action plan must specify all the
steps to be done (as well as the deadline) to achieve the goal. My
personal secret is that I get myself to take 3 action step within
36 hours that will set the goal into motion.

For example, if my goal was to write a book with a 1-year deadline,
I would write a table of contents, make an appointment with a
publisher and hire a book cover designer within 36 hours Once you
take the first few steps, you will gain the momentum to continue
until the goal is achieved.

To Your Success,
Alief Hamdani

Website: http://www.aliefhamdani.com
Emails: alief72@gmail.com
Mobile: +65 9387 8272

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Law of Successful Living - Steve Goodier

I love awe inspiring story of the human spirit and how one help, helped sow the harvest of the hero in need:

I am impressed by an incident that happened during Ignace Paderewski's career. The famous Polish pianist agreed to play a concert organized by two Stanford University students working their way through school. Paderewski's manager said they would have to guarantee the artist a fee of $2,000. The boys agreed and eventually the concert was held.

Though the two student promoters worked hard, they took in only $1,600. Discouraged, they told Paderewski of their efforts and handed him the $1,600 with a note promising to pay him the balance of $400. But the artist tore up the note and gave them back the $1,600. "Take your expenses out of this," he said, "give yourselves each 10% of what's left for your work, and let me have the rest."

Years later, Paderewski was faced with feeding the people of his war-ravaged Poland. Amazingly, even before a request was made, thousands of tons of food were sent to Poland by the United States.

Paderewski later traveled to Paris to thank Herbert Hoover, who headed up the US relief effort. "That's all right, Mr. Paderewski," said Hoover, "I knew that the need was great. And besides, though you may not remember it, I was one of the two college students whom you generously helped when I was in need."

Paderewski reaped a harvest he had sown years before. And so it is. When we give, we receive. Maybe not exactly the thing we gave, and maybe not at the time it was given.

It is also true that when we give from our hearts, when we give in a spirit of love and compassion, we receive even more than we gave. It's a basic law of successful living. Powerful enough to change a life.

The Truth About Money

Here is an email from my Wealth and Life Mentor, Adam Khoo:

Hi Alief,

The truth is that many of these beliefs and attitudes that some
people hold have about money are nothing but inaccurate
generalizations and excuses that keep them from living a truly a
happy and wealthy life. In order to truly align your mind to wealth
creation, you must debunk these negative myths and really look at
the facts...

Myth: Having a lot of money will change you (into a bad person).
Fact: Money is a personality magnifier. It brings out the true
person within you. If you are a selfish and nasty person by nature,
having money will make you even more nasty and selfish. However, if
you are a kind, generous and loving person deep down inside, money
will magnify your goodness.

Myth: Money isn't everything.
Fact: This is the top excuse given by poor people who are in
denial. The truth is that everything is money. Without money, you
cannot maximize other important values such as family, career,
health, spirituality and relationships.

Myth: Money will make you less spiritual
Fact: If you are by nature a spiritual person, having money will
allow you to touch more lives and help you do more of god's work.
In fact, the wealthiest people in the world are extremely
spiritual. Not having to worry about money anymore allows many of
the rich to focus on the more important things in life. Many truly
wealthy people believe they don't own their money. They are just
custodians of God's wealth.

Myth: Rich people are materialistic. They worship money.
Fact: It is the people who lack money who worship it. Who works all
day, year after year in a job which they hate, just for the money?
Who are those who constantly sacrifice their health and family to
make more money?
In fact, the rich rarely work because of money. They work because
of passion and a sense of personal mission. Bill Gates, Warren
Buffett, George Lucas, Michael Jordan & Steve Jobs certainly don't
work for money...they don't need to.

Myth: To have more money, I will be depriving others of it.
Fact: When you become rich, you actually create more wealth for
other people. Wealth multiplies into more wealth. Bill Gates is the
richest man in the world because he has created the most value in
people's lives through the creation of Microsoft and Windows.
Because of his invention, so many more millionaires have been
created as a result. Think about it, if Microsoft Windows, Word and
Excel did not exist, would you have been able to create as much
wealth as you have today?

Myth: Money is the 'root of all evil'.
Fact: The lack of money is the root of all evil. The number one
cause of murder, cheating, stealing, lying is poverty (the lack of

To Your Success,

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Letter to Jay Kanik

I wrote a reply letter voicing my frustrations working a job that I am not passionate about:

Hi Jay,

Thanks for the Audio link. Yeah... I agree with what the speaker says is to get leads in whatever business anyone goes through.

I went to take a look at your website and I really admire you for where you are right now. You are doing something that I want to do too: ie Never Need A Job!

Right now, I am struggling working in this company (Media Architects Pte Ltd) because I need the job because of the pay so that I can pay my bills.

That's the catch22 isn't it? I want to do something that I am passionate to do and at the same time I can't do it because it is not paying the bills for me.... yet!


Right now, I am at the office going thru my emails and IM resources and I am fired up. If you askk me to do my job, I feel like dying and I just want to go to sleep!

Now, my dillema is whether to quit this job that makes me feel like I am dying BUT is helping me pay the bills or do something that makes me feel alive but is not paying me enough.....yet!

I attended this seminar of Secrets To Becoming a Self-Made Millionaire by Adam Khoo and he advises people to do something that they have a great passion about. That one will not mind losing sleep over because PASSION is the driving force behind them.

If I were to make a decision on this basis, then I should quit this job and build an outstanding IM business, isn't it?

Cheers! =)


Now, reading the email, it makes perfectly clear that I should quit and follow my dream(s). That is to continue doing GYM work and BODYCOMBAT and build a profitable Internet Marketing business.

However, my fear is: How to support myself financially?

In a way, this fear can be alleviated because I have a business fixing computers: Alief IT Services and I can earn roughly SGD$75.00 per job. Plus, I am getting paid for teaching BODYCOMBAT at the gym.

If I were to continue working for MA, I am not only dying in there but wasting good time for opportunities at the gym and running my IT business.

Also, I plan to continue with my Herbalife business that I am putting it on the back-burner. I bet that if I were to listen to my sponsor, I can be earning a steady income per month.

So..... one step at a time eh?

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Conversations with God


What is happening to me?

Why is it that when I woke up this morning, I feel as depressed as I was yesterday and the day before and the day before. That I feel like I have to force myself out of bed in order for me to do something.

Yesterday, I told myself that today is going to be different and that I will be getting up early to pray and then go through the new BODYCOMBAT 29 release and then hit the gym early to go through the steps before going for the 10:30am BODYCOMBAT class for a GREAT workout.

Yet, today, what happened is that I woke up at 6:30am and switched the alarm clock off and then go back to sleep and then intermittently wake up to go to the toilet to relieve myself and then go back to sleep. And I keep wanting to go back to sleep until Ririn called me at roughly 12:00pm and then I really decided to get up and do something like drink a cup of coffee and have a little breakfast and start my day.

God. I think I am having a problem.

I need you now more than ever to help me get rid of this disempowering state that has since begun from 1st August 2006 until today.

“Get up My child and go do something great in My name.”

“I have given you examples in many areas that you can see and hear and read about that has shown how people who has gone through desperate situation still ‘hang-on’ to life and made their way out of their depressing situations to one of success.”

“I made you for who you are and I gave you the power of choice to decide what and how you want to spend you time here on earth.”

“I never want you to feel unhappy and depressed over anything but it is your choice to feel that way. What I want is for you to grow and become successful in your lifetime.”

“Remember that the times when you grow desperate is the time that you want to grow close to Me. And these are the times when you must have the courage and faith that I am with you every step of the way to lead you to your destination of your choice.”

“I know that you are fearful of the future with being a husband to a wonderful woman, Ririn Agustina, and how you are going to live your life with her. Have faith that all has been planned and that you just need to make the right choices to make them come through.”

“I know your challenges ahead and I have the solutions for you. You just have to have faith that all will turn out all right. You just have to promise me that you do what you know and feel that is right and that everything will be all right.”

If I have trouble getting up from bed and having to do the things that I have to do, what should I do?

“Remember what Nike slogan is: ‘Just Do It!’”

I will God. Now that I know that you are close to me and that I just need to listen carefully to you, I will ‘Just Do It!’ I will not be afraid anymore. I will not feel depressed anymore because everything you have planned and that I just have to make the right choices. Right?
